Now that we have seen all the fun, let's go back to the serious part!
The day after our arrival, we had a busy day with business related workshops, which I think can serve everyone, whether we want to be the best in your office or you have our own business!
So here is a summary of the different topics we have dealt with. These are simple things, full of common sense, and not a lot of blah! Each point can fit in a post it so use them well!
Topic 1: How to WOW the client
1- It starts with representing yourself with high integrity. Integrity is not a scale, it's all or none:
Be the best brand ambassador possible of your company or the clients you're representing to the customers! You want "good profitable sticky customers" so PROFESSIONALISM and DETAILS are everything!
Respect your word! you will have more leverage
Teach that to your people if you have a team
2- Have and maintain a great attitude:
Having a good attitude is not difficult. To maintain it is not the same thing, and it is not easy, but it's something you learn!
Choose your answer to different situations:
control your emotions and choose your answer only once you get out of your emotional sone and you can be logical in actions and decision-making. For that, buy time! Always take your time before reacting.
you react
Buy some time! Whatever you want to do, ask yourself first how is it helpful
Talk to your support system (mentors, family, friends)
Choose your support system/ your network: look at what they're better than you at and humble yourself to learn from them
Topic 2: How to coach people, specially more mature people
Be clear about your goals and where you want to go
If you want to add value to people, focus on yourself and show great example.
Be humble, put your people in front so they will put you in front and help them become the best they can be
You have to make people feel one of these 4 ways: Important - Intelligent - Powerful - Valued
Topic 3: Personal Branding
Your smile is your first logo
Your reputation is how others view you and their perceptions are based on your ACTIONS, NOT your INTENTIONS
The way you interact with others and your words shape your brand
Topic 4: Time Management
"Practice isn't the thing you do once you're good, it's the thing that makes you good"
Malcolm Gladwell (journaliste au New Yorker, et écrivain)
When you start feeling guilty about something you should do but you are pushing it away, you are waisting your time
If you prioritize the big rocks in your life, everything else falls into place.
Take every day, take 30 min a week or 10 min a day to figure out what's important to you (call a family member, take care of that project, take some me time, etc)
And last but not least:
4 dimensions: Physical - Social/Emotional - Mental - Spiritual
These are the 4 activity areas where you can take time for your self and recharge.
